ALBSEA Transport

Alb Sea Transport offers specialized DRY CARGO CHARTERING services for its clients in the maritime transport industry. With extensive experience and deep knowledge in the maritime transport market, Alb Sea Transport is a reliable partner for clients looking to transport dry goods safely and efficiently.

Through DRY CARGO CHARTERING, Alb Sea Transport provides the chartering of its vessels to transport goods from one destination to another via the sea. The company specializes in organizing the transport of various goods including containerized cargoes, bulk cargoes, minerals, and much more.

The DRY CARGO CHARTERING service team at Alb Sea Transport offers a wide range of services, including identifying suitable transport routes, negotiating charter terms, drafting charter contracts, organizing transport operations, and managing contractual obligations until the goods are delivered to their destination.

With a focus on service quality and customer care, Alb Sea Transport ensures that every aspect of the DRY CARGO CHARTERING process is carried out with accuracy and professionalism to ensure that its clients have a seamless and successful experience in transporting their goods

ALBSEA Transport
ALBSEA Transport
  1. Identification of Cargo and Transport Route: Alb Sea identifies the types of cargo to be transported and plans the most suitable maritime transport route for them.

  2. Negotiation of Charter Terms: The company conducts detailed negotiations with cargo owners to determine charter terms, including price, transport time, destination, and payment terms.

  3. Preparation of Charter Contract: After reaching an agreement, Alb Sea prepares a charter contract specifying all terms and obligations of the parties.

  4. Organization of Transport Operations: The company organizes and manages all phases of transport operations, including cargo loading, document administration, and coordination of maritime transport.

  5. Monitoring and Contract Management: Alb Sea monitors the implementation of the charter contract and manages any issues that may arise during transport, ensuring that all obligations are met accurately and on time.

ALBSEA Transport